Benjamin De Mattéïs

A circus artist trained at the Lido in 2001, Benjamin participated in the creation of the Sacékripa company in 2003 and in most of their shows, “Turn around” (2003), “Coulisses” (2009), “Marée Basse” (2012) . In 2004, they won the “Jeunes Talents Cirque” prize and received the SACD prize with the collective creation “Who goes on?”. He joined the Lido team in 2014 to become “research master” of the year of professional integration. He was offered a place of artistic accompaniment within the PACT (Toulouse circus arts nursery, shared Lido-Grainerie). During these years he intervened as an outsider on the show “Le Cirque dust” of La Faux populaire. He directed the productions of “Ready” by the Belgian company Pol & Freddy and “Rosemonde” by the company Du Vide. In 2016, he co-wrote the June cie show “DRU”. In 2018, he joined the IETO company to co-direct the show “Pour Hêtre”.